What RICH DAD Taught Me - If you want to be rich and wealthy...
Looking back, one of the key things that pushed me on my journey, with the knowledge and information needed - was “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. This book showed me the difference, which my own dad always told me, “If you want to be rich and wealthy, then you have to create a business - you have to work for yourself. You won't be able to do that and build that type of lifestyle working for someone else”. He would always tell me that but it didn't really hit me - the employee mindset versus the business owner (investor) mindset.

It showed me a different path when being able to get paid each month from owning property and being able to leverage debt and control the asset. It just sent me on the path that I'm on today and we've taken it to a whole new level. And to this day, I'm super thankful for just being able to invest in knowledge and books. The reality is real estate investor association meetups, just talking to other real estate investors, and being around like-minded individuals will change your life!
The Bible says “iron sharpens iron”. This means that you just surround yourself with like-minded people that are looking to get into the same type of things that you're interested in and being an entrepreneur at heart.
I had a lawn care business before college as well as a car wash business between my freshman and sophomore years. From all those things, it was like building something that could generate income always piqued my interest. However, it hasn't always been that way, we all make mistakes on our journey. Nobody has this straight trajectory to success, there are bumps in the roads, but we always learn. Hopefully, we'll learn more from other people's mistakes - which is wisdom versus learning from our own mistakes.
