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Should I worry about Lead Paint?

Thursday, August 11

Lead paintLead Paint is found in an estimated three-quarters of the homes built before 1978. As a general rule, the older a home, the stronger the risk of lead paint.Lead paint used in homes until the 1950s had higher concentrations of lead than paint used for homes through 1977. In 1978, the U.S...

Get the RIGHT Lease Option Buyer

Monday, November 23

LEASE OPTION aka RENT TO OWNSelling properties using a lease option is getting popular again. This a great exit strategy, and is very effective when used correctly with the RIGHT client. As with anything else, there are people who will abuse the strategy to take advantage of people who will never...

Cheap Real Estate Marketing

Friday, November 14

Cheap Real Estate MarketingI was asked recently how I do my real estate marketing for under $100 per month. It's a great question, especially when you're getting started with minimal money available.I do enough real estate marketing to close my target of 1-2 deals per month. I could do more deals...

Get control of your email list.

Wednesday, October 22

I finally got a real "Real Estate" email listAs I'm sure you've heard, One of the keys to real estate success is having a good list. I've heard and tried to do the same thing. Unfortunately, I'd been trying to do it the hard way. Random lists of email address in word, manually updating notes, try...

The Title Co wants to write my check to me AND the past owner!

Saturday, April 12

I just cancelled my property sale. First, a little background. I bought a property as a short sale a couple months ago, closed at the bank’s title co, got the HUD, paid the bank, and the mortgage is released. I titled the property in a Land Trust with my LLC as Trustee, and me as the benefici...

Evaluate your Real Estate Deals correctly BEFORE you Buy

Sunday, April 06

Wholesaling, Retailing, Landlording. Each of these Real Estate business specialties is different. However, there are some skills that apply to all three. Foremost and an absolute key to success is evaluating the real estate property and the deal. No matter what your primary real estate strateg...