Why an ADU might make sense for a Vacation Rental
There are many properties in Florida that have 2 homes on one lot. Commonly known as an Accessory Dwelling Unit its main purpose is to function in what is aka a mother-daughter-in-law home.

One of my recent purchases was a home that has 2 units on the property. At first, we were not too excited about it as we were looking for a 7-bedroom home. Having two homes seemed like we were splitting up the party. We would be unable to rent them separately as the pool was shared by both homes as can see in the picture above.
Finally, we made a decision to go ahead with is as we realized that as much as extended families like to spend time with each other, it would also be nice to provide them with separate accommodations. They can enjoy the yard and pool together but at night when people are putting kids to sleep, a bit of space can be appreciated. I can just imagine first cousins whispering throughout the night and being too excited to go to sleep.
So far, we have not had trouble renting out these homes. While it is not our go-to option, I thought this was a nice observation to share with those who may come into such a situation.
P.S. I am about to release a book on short-term rentals in the next couple of days. This has been months in the making. In it, I share how to successfully purchase a short-term rental, and then run it like a pro. All the latest tips and coolest software will be included in this short, no fluff straight to the point book!