Almost 4 years later...and 1 year from my initial retirement goal
Sunday, November 30
So...almost 4 years later...and 1 year from my initial retirement goal...I sit here in the living room of yet another new house of ours. Although my initial goal was always to pay down debt and stop buying...I was unable to resist the temptation of purchasing more real estate, as the opportunity ...
2011 - Techniques on goals !
Tuesday, January 04
2011 Real Estate resolutions!The New Year always makes most everyone think of a new beginning. The idea that comes to mind is a chance for a new opportunity. Change is in the air! Depending on your believe, some people just see it as another day. I prefer to see it as a new page.Here is something...
Early retirement -Is it possible? - Taking care of debt -
Wednesday, December 08
OK… so here I am, continuing to write about my goal of early retirement. I really hope I have something to tell you on a monthly basis…until the day we retire…that way…we will all know if it was possible.Anyways, about one of the most important parts of retirement….FINANCE! Let me talk about ou...
Early retirement... Is it possible?
Sunday, November 28
Is it possible? Well, I sure hope so! I will be blogging about my goal to retire early...This being said...I will post a goal year here and now, my able to retire by 2015.I have to start by telling you about myself and some relevant information in an attempt to get you up to speed to w...