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Posted 4 months ago

Are Massive Layoffs Coming?

It's happening... and you have two options...

When layoffs hit, it feels like a storm rolling in, especially in big cities where jobs are everything. But hey, if you're into real estate and house hacking like the folks over at BiggerPockets, you might think, "That's not for me. I've got too much going on." But let me share a little secret: change isn't just possible; it's the door to something awesome.

I've been where you might be now. Back in 2016 and again in 2020, I got the boot from my job. Sounds rough, right? But each time, instead of letting it beat me down, I flipped the script. I found the good in the bad, the silver lining.

So, if you've read this far, maybe you're scared of getting laid off or you're so over your job that getting laid off might actually feel like a win. I'm here to tell you, that getting laid off doesn't mean you're out of the game. It doesn't say anything about your skills or what you're worth. It's more about the situation than it is about you. And sometimes, it can be the push you need to mix things up and make life even better.

If you're staring down a layoff, don't stick your head in the sand. This could be your moment. With layoffs hitting those expensive cities, this might be your chance to sell up in the booming spring market and move somewhere cheaper but still great for finding a new job.

Take Des Moines, Iowa, for example. It's a place where a lot of people are finding new starts, moving without a job lined up but finding work once they get here. It's about changing your scene and finding new opportunities.

And if you've gotten this far and just need someone to bounce ideas off or someone to bring a little positivity into your situation, hit me up. I've got a knack for seeing the bright side and I'm always here to help or just to share a laugh. Let's talk about turning this challenge into your next big win.
