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Deferred Sales Trust – The 1031 Exchange Alternative

Tuesday, April 12

I’d be willing to bet that the single largest expense over your career will be TAXES. I see too many doctors/high-income professionals that accept this fact (paying up to 50% of their salary to the IRS) yet fail to address it. Maybe they become complacent and simply accept it for what it is? I’m ...

How To Invest 50k In Real Estate – 5 Best Ways

Thursday, March 17

One of the main benefits of being a new Passive Investors Circle member is the lower initial investment you can make in a deal alongside me. For instance, last month an orthodontist member wasn’t comfortable investing the minimum amount (75K) in the multifamily deal I invested in. Why? This was h...

Mindset Is Everything: The Key To Investing Success

Wednesday, March 16

“Get your mind right son!” This is what I’d hear each time I stepped into the gym when I was living in South Louisiana from one of the “regulars”. I was fresh out of dental school and didn’t know what he was really trying to do…I just thought he was being funny. It took years of trials and tribul...

Apartment Syndication 101: What Doctors Should Know

Tuesday, March 08

I recently spoke to a group of periodontists about apartment syndication investing. As you can imagine, the majority did not have any prior real estate experience and were comfortable following their financial adviser’s advice of 401k investing until age 70+. I occasionally visit investing forums...

Failure Is The KEY To Success

Tuesday, March 01

You failed your math test. Your football team was defeated last night in the playoffs. You lost your tennis match yesterday. You’re an epic failure. If you’re like most people, you probably have a bad relationship with failure. I know I have. Look, I understand that nobody wants to fail. For mos...

How Much Money Do You Need To Never Work Again?

Monday, February 21

As more and more doctors and other high-stressed professionals are experiencing burn out these days, the notion of reaching FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) has increased tremendously. It seems that the age-old question new, burned out Passive Investor Circle members are trying to answe...