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Posted over 2 years ago

7 Tips for Using Video to Promote Your Real Estate Investment Business

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Video is a powerful way to market your real estate investment business. Compared to other marketing solutions, it’s low cost and highly effective (plus: Google loves it AND people are increasingly consuming video on mobile devices, which means you are delivering the content people want to consume). Some investors are doing a great job with video, while others aren’t hitting the target… and other investors are ignoring this HUGE opportunity completely. So, here are seven tips for using video to promote your real estate investment business.

1. Be yourself

Don’t be afraid to get in front of the camera and just be yourself. By appearing in your videos, your potential motivated sellers and cash buyers are getting to know you, and by the time they meet you in person, they’ll be saying they want to work with you.

2. Promote yourself / your business

It’s great to have a video on your website where you tell people who you are and what you do. You’re building rapport as you tell them about your business. They’ve already visited websites with plenty of real estate investing content. By using video you can give your website a more personal feel. We know that people buy and sell from people they trust. So give people the opportunity to get to know you when they visit your website.

3. Educate

If you’re publishing a series of blog posts on how to invest in buy-and-hold rental properties, why not do a short video to go with each post? You can post the videos with each blog post, but you can also publish them on YouTube and use that as a way of directing people to your blog and website. You’re multiplying the value of your marketing content by adding video.

4. Feel free to be creative

Please do not spend eight minutes holding a camera and walking through a house giving boring commentary. I could take just four pictures of that house and make a quick but far more interesting video. Keep it short and make it interesting. Experiment. Try something new.

5. Aim for solid quality but don’t let it get in the way of getting it done

Some investors will pick up their phone and start recording. Great! Other investors will keep putting off this task until they have “the perfect recording studio”. Don’t do that. Start simply (video on your phone is fine to start) and grow from there. Aim to constantly improve.

6. Post videos where your clients are online

You don’t have to post videos on every single social media platform out there, but it would be good to know where your clients and potential clients spend their time online. If you’re interacting with clients on Facebook, you could even do Facebook Live videos and interact with people.

7. Always end your videos with a call to action

(Since I’m a copywriter, this shouldn’t be a surprise that I’m including this in my list!) Don’t let the video end without calling your viewers to action. Make it appropriate to your video. So it could be big like “Decide now when you will have the cash together to make your first rental property investment,” or it could be simple like, “Hit the subscribe button to this YouTube channel.”


You won’t want to miss the exciting connection you’ll make with a new motivated seller or cash buyer who says they’ve watched your videos and they are 100% ready to do a deal with you! That’s the kind of highly effective marketing you can do with video. I would encourage you to make it a regular part of your strategy to promote your real estate investing business.

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