Investors are starting to realize that the traditional methods of investing are not working and they are looking at additional investment options that can help them retire. They know that social security is not going to be a reliable source of income and they are starting to do something about it. Traditionally people's investment options were limited and if you look at the number of retirees that are self sustaining it is shocking. 1%, yes only 1% of the current retirees are self-sustaining. If that does not show you that the traditional methods of investing in mutual funds, stocks, bonds and CD's is not working I don't know what does. On top of that, social security provides 89% of all retirement income per the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. The fact that we cannot rely on social security for our retirement gives light to a serious problem. Here is a chart showing how retirees over the age of 65 are living. They are not living wealthy, that's for sure.
In a nutshell, the 1% wealthy are the only ones that are self-sustaining. No one else has been able to really retire and maintain the same standard of living. People are at least starting to wise up and are getting tired of losing 40% in their retirement accounts with no stability. According to the Investment Company Institute, the mutual fund industry trade group, investors have withdrew over $33 billion dollars from mutual funds in the first 7 months of 2010 alone. If the trend continues more money will have been pulled out of mutual funds and the stock market than any year since the 80's outside of 2008 when the entire global economy collapsed. People are realizing that stocks and mutual funds are not as safe as the big investment companies and wall street would like you to believe.
We at OCG Properties have investors coming out of the wood works looking to get passive cash flow and finally get a stable long term investment that has a hard asset backing it up. No matter what the value of the underlying asset you can still get a monthly annuity payment that can sustain for 30+ years. We have investors enjoying stable 10%+ trust deed investments and gaining passive cash flow from rental property that adds to the investors bottom line and long term stability. There is nothing like getting checks in the mail every month, especially during the current unpredictable economic times. Nothing is more valuable in a volatile economic environment than cash flow. No matter what happens with the market, the cash flow just keeps on coming. Here is an example for a trust deed investment OCG Properties provides its clients.
We provide these types of turn-key investment solutions for our investors on a consistent basis. In the example above, the investor puts in $75,000 or a percentage of the $75,000 trust deed investment and they get a payment of $710 a month. The entire investment has a return on investment above 17% and its stable! They also have the property as collateral at 75% of what the property is worth, and in a market that is not volatile like California. They can even use their Self-Directed IRA which is a little known investment tool used by investors to take control of their own retirement and invest in almost anything they want to invest in. People are tired of big investment companies giving them a "check the risk level box" approach to investing and losing half of it. They are taking control and so should you. A self-directed retirement account should be a key aspect to your retirement plan and if you do not already have one we strongly urge you to set one up. Start getting a higher and more stable return on your retirement funds so that you can actually retire, before you end up like the remaining 99% that cannot afford to retire or are not independent.
If you are interested in learning more about trust deed investing, obtaining enough rental income to cover your expenses during retirement or additional cash flow for your current living expenses, come talk to us. We will sit down and go over your individual financial situation and goals. You can call us at 1-424-757-4680, email us at [email protected] or visit our website at We look forward to helping you take control of your financial situation today.