FIBI Real Estate Investors Unite – AUGUST Meet-up – 8/25/2011
Please RSVP at
Thursday, August 25th, 2011
COST: $10
LOCATION: The Grand Long Beach Event Center - 4101 E Willow Street, Long Beach, CA 90815
Last month we had 35+ attend!
**********WHAT WE OFFER**********
a) Small intimate round-table discussion with real investors
b) No Sales Pitch
c) You can get your personal questions answered
- How to source your deals, tips on finding and acquiring properties.
- How to grow your business
- How to raise private capital and fund your deals.
- Investment property and deal analysis. How to do your numbers right the first time.
- How to protect your investors capital.
- What to invest in today to setup your future income.
- What types of assets to buy now!
- The current real estate market including the overall macroeconomic outlook.
SPEAKER: Robert Fragoso, Executive Vice President - Anchor Loans
Mr. Fragoso brings a wealth of real estate knowledge to Anchor Loans in his position as Executive Vice President. Since Anchor’s inception in 1998, he has been instrumental in generating new business, which contributed significantly to the company’s growth. Mr. Fragoso is the key loan originator and a significant force behind Anchor’s acquisition division.
Having been exposed to real estate investing from an early age, Mr. Fragoso’s natural acumen has allowed him to be a successful private real estate investor since the early 1990s. With over 15 years experience on both sides of a real estate transaction, his ability to identify untapped opportunities, combined with his expertise in maximizing the potential value in rehab properties, remain fundamental in fostering borrower success. Today, he embodies a true love of the real estate business, embracing new techniques and creating win-win opportunities for Anchor Loans’ clients.
Anchor Loans has funded over a Billion Dollars in transactions and is one of Los Angeles Counties most active buyers of properties purchasing.
Mr. Fragoso lives in Los Angeles with his wife and their son and daughter.
- Introduction & real time deal updates
- Round table introductions
- Wants & needs
- What the pro’s are doing
- Basic investment math
- War stories from the trenches
- Commercial real estate & trends
- Economics & the overall market
- Answers to your burning questions
- Relationship building/networking
6:30PM-7:00PM Introduction / Wants & Needs
7:00PM-9:00PM General Meeting
9:00PM-9:30PM Networking / Building Relationships & Resources
Keep in mind the primary financial goal, to create enough passive income to pay for all of your expenses. Please RSVP online. If you have any questions or would like to talk real estate please feel free to contact me. Thanks and have a great day!
Please RSVP at