What Are Your Retirement Goals?
Monday, March 12
Most financial advisors would have you believe that when planning for your retirement, the goal and the inevitable outcome is subsistence solely on the savings you have accumulated until the point of your exiting the work force. The reason they try to sell this strategy of mere sustainability is ...
FIBI Real Estate Investors Unite - March Meet-up
Wednesday, February 22
Please RSVP at http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e5mimlf161e81094&llr=dscdrfdabThursday, March 29th, 2012LOCATION: The Grand Long Beach Event Center - 4101 E Willow Street, Long Beach, CA 90815**********WHAT WE OFFER********** a) Small intimate round-table discussi...
Southern California Real Estate
Sunday, February 19
Riverside and San Bernadino were recently rated as two of the most affordable regions in the state of California, undoubtedly due to their price collapses in real estate. This report came from the California Association of Realtors and actually used household income and home values as a measure o...
Trifecta Keeping Housing Bubble Inflated
Sunday, February 12
A bit of news you may have purposefully missed: the Senate recently voted 60-38 to reinstate the elevated loan limits for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Housing Administration. With the “limit” set at $729,750, prices are sure to stay inflated in bubble states like California and New Yo...
California Housing Issues
Thursday, February 09
In early October of last year the Controller of the State of California released data showing that California fell more than $700 million short in initial budget plans for the year. A slight miscalculation, an overly buoyant disposition, or perhaps just sheer ignorance; whatever the reason it...
Investing In Out of State Real Estate
Tuesday, February 07
Please RSVP at http://www.meetup.com/fibisouthbayrealestateinvestmentclub/events/51452432/Join us on Tuesday, March 6, 2012 from 6:30 – 9:00 PM PST Location: Shade Hotel, 1221 North Valley Drive Manhattan Beach, CA 90266Cost: $15This month's meeting will cover investing in out of state real estat...