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The Guru’s to the rescue

Thursday, April 01

So even though I had climbed to new heights, I was still not very fulfilled at work. I was still working very long, super stressful hours. As they say, work was getting the best of me, and my family was getting the rest of me. I was worn out, stressed out, and beat down.  Rewinding a bit to the...

If I Have Seen Further

Saturday, March 27

I still had the property in Orlando hanging over my head. I couldn't afford to sell it, but I also couldn't afford to keep it, but it seemed less painful to keep it.  In the fallout of the 2008 housing crisis, the economy really tanked in 2009.At first I wasn’t too worried because the company I ...

How I accidentally got started in real estate.

Saturday, March 27

"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Is one of my favorite quotes. But we will get to that later. I decided to blog about my journey, and the ups and downs of real estate investing and life. My journey is probably not that unique, but I figured that there are...