Why the "WHY" is so important...thoughts of a novice
Often times we wander through life with the feeling that something is missing. We want and long for more without truly sitting down quietly and asking that fundamental question.
If you answer quickly you will probably answer like most people and say money. I think everybody on this forum would agree that we are not doing this for free.
However, hopefully sooner rather than later you will realize that even millionaires and billionaires can be chronically depressed. So while crying in a 2021 Mercedes-Benz CLS is probably better than crying in a 1998 Honda Civic. The flip side is being the CEO and having to let go of thousands of employees due to necessary cutbacks. This will definitely leave you feeling quite low.
The "why" sets the goal, the vision, and the purpose to drive us forward. To move the needle from 0 mph to 1 mph to 10 mph and so on. The "why" gets you to make one more call before the night is over or to analyze just a couple more deals before the week is done.
This will keep that persistence alive and help you to "follow your fire". I have always been a hard worker with an entrepreneurial mindset. However, I did not have clarity until I took the time to be silent and still to discover my "why". Now the journey can continue with clarity, focus, and a sense of direction.
So, "what sets those apart from those who give up or never get started?"(You ask Brandon Turner)
I believe it is the ability to define your "why", create a plan, and execute that plan on a consistent daily basis.
Who knows, you may never make it to that final goal you were reaching for. You may fail miserably or only make it half way. However, a life spent chasing a dream is better than a life spent on the couch flipping through channels.
So when you have gone through 100 or 200 deals and still haven't found "the deal". Just remember your "why" and it will push you through.
My Mission Statement: To better myself, my family, and the people I love by better the world around us.