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Posted over 2 years ago


I am in charge of acquisition, investor relations, and coordinating with property managers (asset managers). I learned that in future deals, especially as we scale to more and bigger deals, I need internal partners (on top of external partners) to focus and run each aspect of the business.

Therefore, I go to events to network with the intent of eventually partnering up with a partner with the same values and vision. My values are integrity, accountability, and being obsessed. Integrity means doing what you say you will do even when nobody is watching you. Accountability means that when things don’t go as planned, you don’t blame others or things outside of yourself. You are in control of what happens to your business. Last, being obsessed means always looking for ways to be the best at what you do. Putting your craft in front of everything else, so you are the best. By far, being obsessed is the hardest value to find in a partner.

Another thing I look for in a potential partner is having the same vision as me. I am starting my multifamily career, so I am not going for a hundred-unit deal off the bat. My plan is to close to 8-35 units on my first multifamily deal then go for a bigger deal. Also, it goes to the psyche if you don’t finish your plan and jump from shiny object to shiny object. The challenge with finding a more experienced partner is that they will expect you to join their journey. If you abandon your journey to jump on a different journey, you are telling your subconscious you are not a finisher. If you fall in the habit of not finishing one thing you will fall in the habit of not finishing anything

In closing, it is important to have partners, but take your time to find the best partner that shares your values and vision. Don’t rush into partnerships because of partnering with the wrong partner. Soon, I see myself working very closely with partners who have integrity, accountability, and are obsessed with being the best and focused respectively on acquisitions, investor relations, and asset management.
