Adding value to prospective sellers
Half of our company’s mission statement is “we value relationships over transactions “. I received an email from an apartment owner saying that he is planning to unload several of his properties in the upcoming months and he plans to take advantage of the 1031 tax code. So my mind started racing how can I add value to him . First thing I did was forward him 1031 webinar I attended last week so he can be more educated about the subject . Second, I noticed one of the properties he is planning to unload is to big (50 units ) to fit our criteria at the moment. So I connected him with a reputable broker in our market. My goal is for the owner to sell the 50 unit at top dollar . I’m hoping both the owner and the broker get paid from of my introduction . That way the owner and I can do deals for the properties that meet my criteria. Moreover, when it time to sell my apartments years later the broker will be more than likely to help me since I brought him clients before