Most entrepreneurs fail because they stop growing. They stop growing because they stop learning. They stop learning because they don't surround themselves with people who are further along their journey than they are.
For example , I was struggling in two areas of my business recently :
- 1. Pulling rent comps
- 2. My meetings were running too long
The problem with not being able to properly estimate rental comps is that your offer might either be too aggressive or too conservative which will either get you a bad deal or cheat you out of a great deal. So I went to my mentor and got general rule of thumbs (i.e. year built should be within same decade and should be on the same side of town) .
Also, my meetings were running too long which was taking time from my team's productivity. So a tip I received from more experienced entrepreneurs is to keep meetings at a high level. This means avoid going into the trenches (why and how) of topics during the meeting . Questions should be addressed through the project manager (Asansa).
In conclusion, in business when you run into trouble brainstorm with more experienced business owners to cut your learning curve and not waste time.