I have said this before, but I go by Warren Buffett’s saying, “Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful”. With the interest rates increasing, the market is facing a lot of uncertainty. A lot of buyers are sitting on the sideline. Meanwhile, I am being more aggressive, but in a smart way.
One way I am being aggressive is by expanding my submarkets. For example, in Kansas City, I am looking at additional submarkets like Pleasant Hill, Harrisonville, Liberty, Platte City, Olathe, Grain Valley, and Raymore. In Indiana, I am thinking about adding Columbus, IN to my markets besides Indianapolis. My thinking is I want to increase my pipeline and look at more deals while others are staying away from real estate without compromising my deal criteria.
Another strategy I implemented is that I am going direct to the owner and going through brokers simultaneously. I got my reps calling owners directly. We are contacting owners via calls, text, direct mail, emails, and social media. I am calling every broker in each market. I am doing this for multiple reasons. If a seller does not want to sell their property to us directly, we’ll have relationships with the brokers they use down the line. Every week I call all my brokers and have a quick chat strengthening our relationship. My goal is to have every seller and broker know my name, so I can scale my business when the market tanks.
Remember that markets are cyclical. There are downs and ups in every cycle. If you know where we are in the cycle, you can take advantage of the cycle. Last, remember that the more relationships you have, the more business opportunities you will have. Do the opposite of what everybody else is doing (especially because most people are average).