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Posted over 2 years ago


Many people start a business and they might even be good at it but are rarely capable of self promotion. The mistake they make while telling about their business is “Over-preparing/analying” the description out of fear. They are scared of telling what they do in a straightforward way because they are usually afraid of publicizing their “dreams”.

For me, those who aren’t able to tell about their dreams are simply not confident about their abilities. That’s a challenge I throw! I challenge you to change your mindset and to tell more and more people about your real estate business.

The logic behind this is that if more people know about your business, the more people you are accountable to, to execute your plans! Moreover, letting people know about your motivation and aim builds your “Personal Brand”.

Now, your personal brand is crucial to your success. People will put their faith in your reasons and aims, and will send you potential deals because they know you are willing to walk that extra mile for the sake of your dreams! You’ll also see that various potential investors will start reaching you out regarding investment opportunities once they see you posting regularly about Real Estate on your social media. You have to let people know that you are serious about your goals and passionate about what you do!

Whenever I meet new people, my goal is to let them know that I am a real estate investor. I also keep sharing my work progress and methods with friends and family for you never know that someone might be in need of your services or knows someone who is selling a property that would just fit your criteria!

Also, just as they say “Never judge a book by its cover”; you should never prequalify people based on their appearance or social profile. You never know the social circles of people or their inherited wealth!

Lastly, it is necessary to have steadfast business and dealing criteria. I always clearly state my criterion to Agents, Property Managers, Lawyers, Insurance Brokers, and similar positions in real estate. The benefit of this approach is that your lawyers and property managers remain in constant touch with various investors. So, you get to know about investors who are selling their properties way prior to the news hitting the market!
