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Posted over 3 years ago


Life is so precious. We don't how much time we have on this earth. We might as well live life doing things we love and makes us happy.

I am no longer happy at my career as a CPA. I find it draining. I am a distant with my coworkers. I just need to get away from it because it truly sucks the energy out of me. I'll leave at that.

During this pandemic I found my passion in this real estate investing. I am obsessed with it because it's mine. I wake up at 4am everyday and that is all I think about and work on throughout the day. I love being the boss, making my own decisions and building something that I can pass down to my children once day. I feel like I am Al Pacino in Scarface (but in real estate) building my empire. "THE WORLD IS YOURS" in my third eye.

I love that I am building a business where the opportunity is limitless while my peers are fighting over a $100k job opening. They are applying while I am hiring. That gives me a lot of pride.

I want to be a full time real estate investor, but I feel like I am stuck in a job/career that I despise just for a biweekly check to cover my overhead. I don't want to touch my business capital because that is for acquiring my apartment building.

Before making this decision of quitting accounting I confirmed with my lender that I can still get a loan for an apartment even if I lose my W2. He said yes.

I have 2 choices that can solve my problem:

1. I can sell my condo and buy a condo in Indiana. I would live off the profit for 2 years and focus on finding deals. The risk is if it takes me longer than 2 years to find a deal I would be forced to tap into my capital. Also, that means I have to trade beautiful LA for Indiana. Also, I will be away from my family and friends. However, I will be closer to my properties and sellers.

2. I can start an online business to cover my overhead. The con here is I need to learn another new business. There's a proverb that says if you chase 2 rabbits you'll catch none. I'm scared that learning an online business will be a distraction from my real estate business.

Is there an online business that I can learn quickly, doesn't take too much time, I can do 100% online, doesn't require much capital, and I make $70k-80k a year you can recommend ? I was thinking maybe drop shipping? is there still money in that?
