2 books I suggest reading
There’s two books I live by when running my business. 1 is “E myths” and the other is “4 disciplines of execution “ aka 4DX. Emyths talks about building systems so you are working on your business and not in your business. If you are a cookie shop owner you shouldn’t be the one baking cookies. You should be managing people baking cookies for you. 4DX teaches you to work backwards to make sure your team is on track to meet goals. If you are a cookie shop B owner and you want to make a certain amount in profit you should work backwards to know how much cookies you need sold. Before you keep track how many cookies must be sold you must trace how many cookies need to be baked per day . If you know how many cookies need to be baked you need to keep track of how much ingredients to order per week or month. In our real estate business we track contract made per day, appointments set, and how many decision makers gave us a yes or no answer which verifies the accuracy of our contacts. My team knows the score at all times. Like a basketball game they know if they are up or down at any point of the game.