Stability is a Myth
Friday, February 05
How many times have you hired someone because they seemed like the right person? They do well in some situations but they slip in situations they should otherwise succeed in. Now the leader has to put things back together. We spend time recruiting, training, and re-training people over and over.D...
Industry Partners
Tuesday, October 05
I make it a priority to stay connected with strong industry partners. It is important to make time for indsutry partners and develop the relationship as you would with lenders. In fact, we need our industry partners in order to keep our portfolio’s operating at maximum financial performance. ...
Commitment to the Process
Tuesday, October 05
THE PROCESS is defined as a collection of actions that allow a person to progress towards a desired result. Immediate as well as lifetime achievements are the culmination ofsuccessfully executed maneuvers in succession over an extended period of time.The road towards understanding ourselves and t...