Short Sale Lead Generation… Wholesaler Marries Agent…It’s RE Match.Com
Hunting wholesale deals in this market inevitably drops a large percentage of short sale leads in your lap. This is true no matter what lists you like to target for potential wholesale deals. Without a clear strategy to monetize the short sale leads generated, you may be losing out on thousands in additional income.
Agents: A wholesaler is an investor who hunts property they can purchase well below market value with the intent to immediately re-sale to or assign their contract position to another investor. The investors they sell or assign to will likely rehab the property for retail sale or keep for their own rental portfolio.
Wholesale investors market to motivated sellers. More often than not, many of the leads they generate are upside down in value to mortgage. To a wholesaler this lead just lost its luster. They cannot quick-sale to another investor without negotiating a short sale approval. These are leads that could mean quick listings for you. More listings are more opportunities for buyer sign calls and more commissions. The wholesale investor may even become the buyer or a source for a buyer.

Find wholesale investors by networking investment groups, calling your landlord clients for their list of wholesale suppliers, REIA meetings, and by calling ads posted by people touting wholesale deals.
Wholesalers: You need to team up with agents proficient at completing short sales. You can turn the leads you stumble into that are upside down into residual bonuses or investing gold-mines.
If you are licensed you can enjoy referral commissions. If you systemize and build a loss mitigation team you could give the leads to agents and EARN fees to facilitate the short sale process for them. The agents will love working with you, because you do all the work for them. You will enjoy the consistent earnings from the loss mitigation process in between the wholesale checks.
Start generating checks every month from deals that would have been thrown away as trash before systemizing the short sale process.
To everyone’s short sale success!