Generate Motivated Seller Leads: #11
I can give readers a million-in-one physical methods to generate leads. However, no matter how many squeeze pages you create, drip campaigns you write, postcards you mail, or signs you stick on street corners you will not effectively convert leads if your message doesn’t meet the needs of motivated sellers.
The old marketing and sales training adage stands: “If you can see John Smith through John Smith’s eyes you will sell John Smith what John Smith buys”.

Your marketing message must fill a need and sell a solution. In marketing for motivated sellers, you must clearly understand the needs of your sellers so that your message clearly and concisely relays a solution that fills that need.
Take a look at the marketing you currently use and ask these questions: Does your marketing consider the needs of sellers, or, does your marketing simply tout your own successes? Does your marketing offer a solution? Does your marketing express an understanding reflective of their situation?
To determine the needs of motivated sellers, you simply must put yourself in their shoes. Sellers are likely frustrated about failed re-finance or loan modification attempts. They may be landlords tired of dealing with a vacant or run-down property. They may be facing a dire hardship and need someone who can quickly and easily unload them from their mortgage debt.
The better you tailor your message, the more likely you will get calls from the ‘truly’ motivated versus tire kickers. If your services match your message, then you will “sell John Smith what John Smith buys.”