Self Storage- Jamocha Shake, Large please
Have enough concrete and dirt work done on the job site, that we can take out the silt fence down below. Used a chain to pull out the stakes. Then tied the chain and silt fence together to pull up the silt fence, by lifting up and going backwards. Glad to be able to mow this piece to get rid of weeds.

It was hot today. Finished about 3:00 pm and called it a day. Great to be in Self storage and not 8 to 5.
Decided to get a Jamocha shake at Arby's. A large one. Was thinking about it all the way over there. Ordered a large Jamocha Shake. They said they didn't have any Shake mix, to read the sign of about 15 items they were out of. Didn't list Shakes. "Are you sure your out of Shakes, they are not on the list?" "Yes, we are out of all of our Shakes". You don't really need to know about me not getting a Shake on a hot day.
But, our concrete pad guy said he could not get any concrete thru Thursday. Today was Tuesday morning.
We were installing corner Bollards yesterday. I went to Sherwin Williams to get Oil Based primer and Oil Based Safety Yellow paint. They were out. Asked if we could place an order or if any other metro store had it. Said no other store had it. We could order, but they aren't getting what they order, even regularly.
I would like to know what Jamocha Shakes, Concrete and Paint have to do with each other? These are some of the last things I would think would not be available.
Glad we pre-ordered our 2 flatbeds of re-bar for this storage site about 6 months ago. We were worried about prices going up and whether they would have any. Rebar, is about the only thing that could stop us from building our last 7 buildings.
For your Storage sites or building sites, what have you run into that they are out of?
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