Just Make the Offer
As an Investor, I sometimes wonder if the offers I am making are low enough
and even contemplate whether sellers may even be offended by a low offer.
Recent events have sort of changed my thought process on this.
Recently I closed a deal where the seller had to bring over $42,000 to
the closing table, to cover the difference between my offer and the balance
of their mortgage. The truth is that I didn't think they would accept my offer,
but they did! Apparently the sellers had recently inherited some money
And were willing to do whatever it took to move on. I had heard about
others putting deals like this together, but thought they were few and far between.
So, I would encourage everyone in BP Community to always go ahead and make
That offer that works best for you. It could result In a great deal for you,
That may not appear to make sense in the beginning.