City Offers $10,000 Rebate to Renovate
Wednesday, March 11
Check out the Video Link of our Recent Video Interview with Brian New, with Channel 11 News, regarding the New Revitalization Program with the City of North Richland Hills, TX.Contact me for more details on the program.Tyler Haug
Video of Rehab in Watauga, TX
Monday, October 13
Newly Rehabbed Property in Watauga TX. 3 bed, 2 bath, 1290 Sq Ft.
Just Make the Offer
Monday, March 17
As an Investor, I sometimes wonder if the offers I am making are low enough and even contemplate whether sellers may even be offended by a low offer. Recent events have sort of changed my thought process on this. Recently I closed a deal where the seller had to bring over $42,000 to ...
Wholesalers, Please Provide More Value
Thursday, January 23
Have you ever received an email from a wholesaler, that is marketing a property to their buyers list on behalf of another wholesaler/investor, but has marked the price of the property up by another $5,000.00? If you've been in the RE Business very long, you will inevitably run into this situa...
Thoughts on Getting Real Estate License
Wednesday, December 04
Over the past few months, I've undergone the process of leaving my full time job, completing a Texas Real Estate Prelicensing 180 Hour Course, taken and passed the Texas Real Estate Exam, interviewed and selected a broker to "hang my hat" with. All of this has transpired while finding, negotia...