“The World of Raising Capital and making huge returns in real estate”
Through my training and investment company CMREI, I have offered special training about group investing to show students how to become successful at raising capital for their real estate opportunities.
I believe no matter how much money you have; there are more opportunities in real estate than there is money readily available So those who know how to partner up, create Joint Ventures and set up syndications (private fund offerings) will win big and will get the best deals.
I have been involved in setting up successful funds for a few years now and my most successful one is MIGSIF (Medawar International Group Secured Income Fund). It is the highest paying fund and the most liquid of any fund in the US.
My goal is to have my students trained on creating their own funds to offer similar opportunities to others and grow with investors by cooperating in the real estate business instead of competing.
Those that want to get trained attend live training or study online in the intensive 2-day event that we hold on syndication. Following the event the serious students that wish to set up their own fund join me in person at my special 4-day wealth retreat event in Puerto Rico. This is where I coach investors on how to prepare their business plan and more importantly how to present and sell their private offering business opportunity.
Graduates of the PR event should be able to raise millions of dollars using the principles, methods, and strategies learned from my experience in the business. I also give them the documents and the resources they need to get started immediately. I have even included a special discount with my attorneys to draft the Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) that gets filed with the SEC to legally raise the capital needed for group investing and that includes how to handle the accounting without any hassle.
Some students choose to invest in my private fund. They must be accredited. The SEC defines accredited as an individual with a net worth of one million dollars or has an income of $200K single or $300K as a couple for the past two years and expected the same income for the fiscal year.
Other students choose to set up their own fund and raise capital to duplicate what I have been doing with the team for a few years.
To make it easier on everyone I have also set up a fund of funds whereby any graduate of my wealth retreat in Puerto Rico could set up a fund under MIGSIF and benefit from an arbitrage difference and a no-hassle money machine.
The opportunities are endless and there are no special requirements for anyone to set up his/her own private syndication offering to raise as much money as they wish provided of course they have the training, knowledge, and proper support.
Cherif Medawar