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Posted about 1 year ago

Investing with Friends and Family

I am a huge believer in spreading the wealth with family friends and anybody else that supports you along this life journey in investing. 
There are way to many homes that will be coming for sale than you will have the money to buy on your own so why not just give some of your family and friends a chance to make some money with you along this journey and show them they can make money along with their w2 to possibly help themselves out to pay bills or if they do it enough with you could also help their retirement plans out. Its as simple for them in mobile home investing as paying a few hundred dollars a month on lot rents to actually purchasing a few thousand dollar home and giving them a good return on their money, keep in mind the more income you make it is heavily taxed by our wonderful IRS system so you are much better off to pay people to go in with you on deals and not try to do them all by yourself since the capital gains rate is very high besides that why would you not want to help out family and friends. 
We have invested with 2 of our friends and 3 of our family members to this date and will be hoping to do many more in the future.
Fear will keep you where are so take some chances and give investing in something a try 
Working a job is hard and so is trying something new so get out there and take some chances on something new.

Happy Investing 
Trailer Trash 2 Trailer Cash
