Not Getting Enough Deals? Here's Why And How To Fix It!
Today we're going to talk about something called the Law of Averages. If you're not hitting your monthly deal goals, it's normally something very simple that needs to be adjusted. Let's take a look at what the Law of Averages is and how you can use it to your advantage!
A Law Among Laws
The Law of Averages is also known as the "sales funnel." If you've ever been in sales before, you'll be familiar with the concept. For those who've never had the pleasure of being in sales, the sales funnel simply states:
- Contact 100 Leads
- 10 of those leads will be interested
- 1 of those leads will buy your product
When you're "working your law of averages" you're actively contacting prospects, interviewing them, and showing them how your product can help them solve a problem. For us, our product is our ability to help them solve their real estate problems!
The More No's You Get The More Yes' You Find
Naturally, while moving through your Law of Average you're going to find people who are interested in selling their house. That's when you take a look at their property, build a relationship with them (yes that can be done over the phone), and make them an offer.
So how can you make the biggest impact on your pocketbook and get more deals done? Contact more leads! Every person that tells you "No" brings you one step closer to the person who's going to accept your offer!
Don't Slow Down!
In order to effectively move through the Law of Averages, you can't slow down. Some people call this "momentum" and it's a real thing. Whenever I've slowed down or taken my foot off of the gas, I found that the leads started coming in less frequently.
Just do one thing every day for your business at a minimum. If you can do more, then fantastic. Just remember that in order to get to that yes, you need to move through 99 no's! Get started right now!
Law Of Averages For SEO
If your chosen way to contact prospects is via your web site, you may not be contacting people directly until they've filled out the form on your web site. Instead of counting direct contacts, I focus on the number of quality, evergreen content pieces that I'm cranking out.
Doing quality blog posts that help people solve problems, posting on social media when you're walking a property or building backlinks to your web site. Any of these items can be substituted for direct contacts, but they're best used in unison. Remember, though. This is a long term play and the results may not be as immediate as cold calling or texting a list. The benefit of this play is that the content is always going to be available (hence the word "evergreen") and will continue bringing people to your web site! Instead of running on the hamster wheel of direct marketing, you can do the work once and reap the rewards!
Thanks for checking out my article! Now you should have a solid understanding of the Law of Averages. If you find yourself short of leads, put this into action and you'll see results! Reach out if you have questions!
Comments (2)
This is a very insightful article with a good perspective on how to use blog post to reach a wider audience. Good stuff!!!
Larry Russell, over 4 years ago
Good advice here - thanks! For us, generating valuable content has been worth the investment over time.
Debbie Fales, over 4 years ago