How to Balance Your Day Job With Your Real Estate Side Hustle
Tuesday, August 18
For many aspiring real estate entrepreneurs, “Quit my day job!” is high on the list of reasons why they started their real estate side hustle in the first place. Maybe even a little too high. Some would-be tycoons, smelling millions around the corner, jump the gun and quit their jobs before doing...
CHECKLIST: For Finding Big-Profit Deals
Monday, July 27
Learning how to find real estate deals is the first key to unlocking unlimited success as a real estate investor. Learning how to find the juicy, big profit deals accelerates your wealth creation considerably. When you’re first getting started in real estate investing many beginners scratch the...
How Much Profit Do Rental Properties Make
Friday, July 24
Before you jump into any real estate investment deal, you should answer the common question, “How much profit should this rental property make?” This will be a critical step in determining the viability of your given rental property investment. Overall, rental property investments are a great pla...
6 Point Checklist-Choosing the Best Realtor
Tuesday, July 21
Realtors are not all the same, however, the process to become a Realtor is the same for everyone. You have to take the required hours of classes, sit for the National and State tests, then affiliate with a brokerage and National Association of Realtors. From there, most brokerages require you t...
5 Home Improvements for Maximum ROI
Monday, July 20
Fact is, home improvements for residential real estate investing is vital to the success of your enterprise. You must make minor and major home improvements to fetch maximum tenant rents and sales. The trick is in knowing the right improvements to make to get maximum ROI and which ones just waste...
7 Best Profit Strategies for Rental Property Owners
Monday, July 20
Building a profitable real estate investment portfolio is not harder, but it IS more strategic than it looks. Far too many rental property real estate investors struggle to grow their business because they make common mistakes. This starts a downward spiral of the care of the property diminishi...