Blog Post #1: The Road Up Mt. Kilimanjaro
Day #1 of Our Journey to Financial Independence
The line. This time the line has been crossed. Today I realized that I was at the mercy of the world. I was just told from the job I had just been hired 8 months prior that I was fired. How? I thought I was just furloughed. No biggie, right? Wrong. The crazy thing about it, I was doing a great job. I had even just got a raise 3 months before! Still, yes I was laid off from the best/worst job I ever had (yes I said best/worst!). This was day 1 of rock bottom, and I wasn't sad. Nope, not at all. I was pissed. Lemme spell it again. I was pisssseeddddd. After spending 7 months at this job, pummeling away at hours to make the books correct, missing time from my family, 60-70+ hours a week, paying costly bills and student loans, and stressing way too hard for a 28-year-old, yes I was laid off. And the culprit? The lame who lit a fire in us to start this wonderful financial journey together? Non-other than the traumatic Covid-19. We are sincerely empathetic to all of the other people in the world who have had their entire lives tragically change due to this health crisis. We understand and we are with you. This blog will be a written log of our journey as we step through our first steps of re-creating our new world of freedom, and we hope it will inspire others to do it too. The journey up the mountain just got hot, so lock and load, and let's rock and roll!
Best regards,
Baze and Britt!