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Posted over 13 years ago

Springtime is Around the Corner..Buying? Selling?

Springtime is Around the Corner....Buying? Selling?

Is it possible that after the worst snow storm in over a decade that we can really be talking or even thinking about Spring? Is is possible that in only a matter of a few short weeks that Mother Nature will shine down on us and bless us with warmer weather and melting snow?

I for one am ready for Spring and can only hope that we've seen our last of "major" snow falls for the year and I'm hopeful that warm weather and all the optimism of spring is around the corner. The realist in me however realizes that its very likely we may have a couple months before this happens.

So When is Spring?

We all have our own opinion on this but is it March, is is April or May? From a real estate broker's prospective the spring market is March. Its the month that we have glimpses of warm weather, then the next day may revert to cold and snow. The days lengthen however and there just seems to be a better all around mood amongst people as we are seeing that we are truly in the fourth quarter of a long winter.

What does this mean for Sellers?

Springtime historically is a time that many home sellers that are currently on the market may see a bump in activity and its a time when home sellers that had prepared over the winter time are set to put their home up for sale.

Putting a home up for sale in the dead of winter often has many obstacles to it compared with waiting until Spring.

  1. Your competing with Holidays - Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years....Buyers have too much on their plate to find time often to go home shopping.

  2. Snow & Bath Weather - Lets face it, when its Minus 5 degrees there aren't many places most people would rather be when they aren't at work than wrapped up in a blanket at home.

  3. Spring is Nearing - many buyers expect a larger number of homes to be available come spring so many decide to make plans for a more thorough and expansive home search once winter nears an end.

What Does Spring Mean for Buyers?

Spring is such a great time of year for so many reasons but for those looking to buy a home its now the time that you generally are seeing many options hit the market. Didn't find what you were looking for the previous few months? Now may be the time that the perfect home hits the market!

The downside for buyers if any with a spring market is that sellers do often have optimism at the highest and may put their home on the market a tad high. I've seen this more often than not but on the flip side, for those that may have missed the buyers they were hoping for during winter they may be getting more aggressive and will lower their prices as competition heats up.

No matter how you slice it, the upcoming Spring Season is always an exciting one for the Real Estate Market.

If your considering selling your home, now is the time to get it prepared. Meet with a professional realtor like myself and get advice on final "to do's" and set a goal for the completion of your projects.

If your hoping to buy a home, now is the time to meet with your banker or a mortgage broker. If you need someone, I have a few that I highly recommend that can be of assistance. Getting pre-approved to purchase a home is easy and painless. If your not quite ready to buy, it still may be a good idea to meet with a lender and discuss options and determine if your credit is where it needs to be in order to purchase a home in the future. If its not, they can often help advise you on what steps to take in order to clean up your credit.

I hope you found today's blog helpful! If you or anyone you know may benefit from my blog please feel free to forward this to them. Additionally, I'm available for any advice specific to your needs so please don't hesitate to contact me direct if you'd like.

Thanks for reading my blog and happy house-hunting/selling! Ben
