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Posted over 1 year ago

Creative Ways to Add Value to Other People

A surefire way to fail as an investor is to be selfish. Those who come in wanting to take without giving are starting off on the wrong foot and will rub people the wrong way.

It’s crucial to understand that a successful journey starts by giving to others. By helping others, you can create a positive reputation for yourself and position yourself as a great person to work with. You might be thinking that you don’t have value to give as a newbie, but the reality is that everyone has something unique that they can offer to add value to others.

In this article, we’ll explore different ways that you can add value to others in the real estate industry. We’ll cover tips for sharing your knowledge, connecting with others, offering your time and resources, providing support, and more. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re an experienced investor, these tips will help you build strong relationships and contribute to the community.

Encourage Others

It doesn’t cost any money to spread positivity to people in the BiggerPockets community. Here are some ways to encourage others:

  • Be a sounding board. Sometimes, all someone needs is someone to listen to them and provide feedback. Be a sounding board for others in the community and offer constructive feedback when needed.

  • Celebrate their successes. Celebrating their successes can boost their confidence and motivate them. When someone you know has a successful deal or closes a big sale, take the time to acknowledge and congratulate them. You can do this by commenting on a forum post, sharing their story on social media, or even simply messaging them.

  • Offer words of encouragement. If someone is feeling discouraged or frustrated with their progress, offer them words of encouragement. Remind them of their accomplishments so far and encourage them to keep pushing forward.

Connect People

Real estate is all about who you know. Being a connector of people immediately provides value even if you can’t swing a hammer and don’t know how to analyze a deal yet. For example, let’s say that you meet an investor that also happens to be a real estate agent. You could introduce them to a friend who is looking to buy a house. Or perhaps you’ve already made other investor connections–introduce them to one another and expand everyone’s network involved. The possibilities here are endless!

Offer Your Time

We all have 24 hours in a day. Offering your time to help other real estate investors can be a valuable way to contribute because it leverages a finite resource.

When David Greene got started, he agreed to help an investor cold call. Although that might’ve sucked at the time, he showed that he was willing to help and in return got a mentor. He also learned valuable sales skills and likely met other key players in his local market by being around the business.

See how this can be a win-win scenario?

Leverage Your Unique Talents

Everyone has a unique talent that can be used to serve others– I’m not talking about juggling or being able to drink a gallon of milk in record time, though…

Recently someone reached out to me on BiggerPockets because he wanted to use his coding background to help improve my website. He had no agenda other than meeting someone in the area and making a genuine connection to share ideas with. And, of course, I was more than happy to let him help me with my website. This unsolicited act of kindness just makes me want to help him even more.

Whether you are offering creative solutions, using your communication skills, sharing your marketing expertise, providing financial expertise, offering project management support, or using your technical skills, your talents can make a positive impact and help others achieve success in the industry.

Share Resources

Sharing resources with other real estate investors can be a great way to help them achieve their goals and build lasting relationships in the industry. Here are some ideas:

  • Provide access to your tools and software. Simply knowing about new technology can change the way someone structures their business and creates efficiency. If you have access to tools or software that other investors may find useful, you can share those resources with them. This can include everything from financial analysis tools to project management software.

  • Share your research. If you’ve done research on a particular market or property type, you can share your findings with other investors. Someone could very well be looking to invest in a new market. By knowing the ins-and-outs of your area, you instantly provide value.

  • Co-invest in deals. If you have the financial resources to invest in a deal, you can offer to co-invest with other investors. This can help them gain access to larger deals and potentially achieve higher returns.

Start Helping Others Today

There are plenty of ways to add value to someone else’s life. Think about what you can do to help others and you’d be surprised what can happen.
