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4 Secrets for Personal Growth

Thursday, June 04

Why is it so important to improve oneself? Working on yourself is the single most important thing that you can do in life. Where your body goes, your mind will always follow. If you have to spend your entire life with yourself, it seems like a worthwhile investment. Furthermore, everything in li...

Are You Afraid of Rejection? How to Overcome Rejection in Just 4 Steps

Wednesday, June 03

Have you ever been rejected? In one form or another, most people have faced rejection. Maybe you didn’t get your dream job or perhaps the girl you asked on a date said no. Whatever the case may be, rejection is a part of life. This might sound cynical, but there’s a silver lining if you keep rea...

Who Else Wants to be Happy?

Monday, June 01

The Declaration of Independence mentions 3 unalienable rights: “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Notice that the founding fathers say pursuit of happiness. There are probably a few reasons they chose to imply that people inherently chase contentment, but are not guaranteed to find i...

How to Sell Your House for Over Asking Price

Wednesday, May 27

Are you thinking about selling your home? Selling your house can be an emotional roller coaster. On one hand, you’re probably hoping to make a profit and can’t wait to move on to something else. It can also be one of the most stress inducing experiences of your life. You might wonder if your hous...

5 Simple Ways to be a Better Person

Tuesday, May 26

Who is the nicest person you know? When reflecting on this person, consider the various attributes that make them nice. If you asked a handful of people to do this, they would probably reveal similar traits for each person they consider to be nice. Some people are inherently nicer than others, bu...

Do You Work From Home? Here are 4 Tips to Stay Productive

Monday, May 25

Working remotely is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, you can work in your pajamas and your commute is from your bed to your computer. On the other hand, it means that you’re surrounded by distractions. With the COVID-19 outbreak impacting many workplaces, working from home is now a real...