How to Set Up A Seller Financed Mortgage
Monday, September 21
Seller Financing in real estate is when property owners provide financing rather than a buyer obtaining a third party loan. If you'd like to find more buyers and weather market downturns, knowing how to set up a seller-financed mortgage is a valuable tool. Sellers Need Buyers, and Buyers Need Fu...
Working With Note Payors in a COVID-19 World
Wednesday, April 15
My take on any crisis is that it stresses imperfections to the point that even hidden cracks reveal themselves. The COVID-19 pandemic is the perfect storm example of this. Even many healthy businesses have gone from strong performing to zero revenue. Employees and business owners are being hit ha...
Note Partials: A Powerful Economic Stimulus Plan for Noteholders
Sunday, April 12
In real estate investing, there is property and there is paper. An investor who owns a building or house or piece of land views property as their asset. But if they borrowed money, and most do, then whoever owns the loan views “paper” as their asset. To eliminate confusion: Note = Promissory No...