The Power of Positivity and Support in a Crisis

There’s a lot of pain and a lot of uncertainty right now. What you need to realize first, is that this is just a moment in time. This is not permanent. Just like any other traumatic experience in your life, you always make a good comeback.
Get your mindset right, get a good support system around you, and help each other out right now.
Practice Gratitude Every Morning
Every morning, the first thing I do when I wake up is take 5 minutes of gratitude. I never miss a morning. Even when it feels like you don’t have anything to be grateful for, when you make that time, you realize that there is always something. Take 5 minutes to think about all the positive things that you have in your life. This gets you primed for the day, no one can take your positive attitude from you!
What Can You Eliminate?
Maybe you have been thinking about making a change for years now. Sometimes, a crisis like this is the trigger you need to finally act on it. Take this time now to reflect. What can you eliminate from your business or your life? How can you make your business or personal life healthier? Get the negative out and make room for more positive in your life.
Get Yourself an Accountability Partner
Every single person needs an accountability partner. You need someone who is there to bring you back when you get down. You are there to pick them back up when they need it too.
We all need to be able to communicate and talk about our problems. Sometimes people just need someone to vent to and get things off their chest. We need accountability partners who are going to help us get positive, and motivated so we can get through this. You can’t solve a problem when you’re in bed all day.
Check in with your accountability partner every 2 or 3 days, however often you need. Get each other’s spirits up so you’re ready to take on the day and keep pushing.
Help Out as Many People as You Can
What we do now is going to shape who we are, and our businesses. Reach out to as many people as you can and try to help each other. We get through this by helping each other out.
If you think you don’t have anything to offer someone, just be patient and kind! Everyone is handling this differently; you never know what someone is going through right now, and just listening to someone will go further than you realize.
I’ve been receiving messages on Facebook every day, some from people I don’t even know, and I’m responding to as many as I can. If you’re worried about your business and need help, message me on Facebook, I’m always willing to help as much as I can. Reach out to other people as well, you never know who might be able to help at a time like this.
Stay positive! We will get through this together!
Steve Lloyd is a serial entrepreneur, real estate investor, and Founder of Stone Bay Holdings, owning over $100 million worth of real estate. He is a master of passive income, and is passionate about helping you live your best life!