The Real Power in Achieving Your Goals is the "Why" You Put Behind Them!
The Real Power in Achieving Your Goals is the "Why" You Put Behind Them! It’s very easy to become numbed by the term “goal setting” because it’s been drilled into us for so many years. I think what most people do is get motivated once a year (usually around the New Year having been inspired by a speaker or book of some sort) and spend a ½ hour or so jotting down their “goals”.
I venture to say most people don’t look at that list for another year, if that. It’s no wonder that many people lose their faith in setting goals.Truthfully, setting down once a year and writing out your “goals” as mentioned above is more like writing a wish list and a wish list is just that, a list of stuff you “wish” would happen.
I suppose that’s better than having no idea at all of what you want but it is certainly not very effective.
So why is it we "drop the ball" so soon after the "ball drops"? Speaking from experience, I believe the reason we don't pursue our goals or intentions passionately is we simply don't have a powerful enough "why" or "reason" behind what we want to achieve.The “why” behind your goals is the driving factor behind the level of success you will accomplish or attract.
What is this "Why" I'm speaking of? Let's say Making $200,000 this year (or whatever amount) is one of your intentions or goals. It's great that you want to make $200K, but why and what's your reason behind this money?
Here are some possible “why’s”:
- I need a Holiday
- I want to expand my business
- I must give back to society
- I never want to be broke again
- I’m tired of being poor.
- I Must get out of debt
- I want to move on from this business and pursue writing a book
And if weight loss is your goal then these may be some HUGE why's:
- I don't want to die
- I want a partner
- I want to feel good
- I want to be there for my children
- I want to feel sexy
Get the picture? Just wanting $200K for the sake of having the money is likely not a strong enough motivating factor for you. But if you've committed to helping other people, your family or even giving yourself a much needed break or taking your life to the next level to pursue bigger dreams, that can be and extremely powerful "why"!
And it's easy to see that losing weight to save your life, attract a life partner or be their for your children is an enormous "why" to put behind that goal.
Think about this, If you are not pursing your goals or dreams, isnt' it likely your “Why” is not powerful enough for you. Maybe your just not excited enough about your dreams and Maybe your "why" doesn't have enough driving force behind it.
What is your "why" behind your dreams? Maybe it's time to revisit some old goals!
Copyright © 2011 By Stephen Munson,*The Real Power in Achieving Your Goals is the "Why" You Put Behind Them!*