Homes For Sale Pasadena Ca|No Photos, No Description-NO SALE!
Let me begin by saying there are many good agents out there. For the most part my experience as an agent has been pretty darn good here in the Pasadena and the LA area. Unfortunately though, there are a few agents who simply take their business for granted and for the most part, snap a photo of your home and put it on the MLS, that's it!
My heart goes out to the sellers that have unknowingly placed their trust with one of their biggest assets into an agent who could care less. Which boggles me because I know the goal of a great agent is at the very least to sell the home! Duh... Not only to sell the home, but to sell it for the most the market will bear, with the pride of creativity in their marketing and integrity with their client (seller). Not to mention good old fashioned service!
So when I see a listing such as the one I'm posting below, it totally frustrates me to no end to see so clearly that this home has so much potential but has been given so little attention in even the basics of marketing.
Take a look at this Home For Sale in Pasadena Ca....(I've intentionally left out the Agents Name and address of property)
- Only 1 photo
- No Description
- Instead of description, scary disclaimers.
- 268 Days on the market, still active to date.
Okay, let's assume:
- It's Bank Owned
- Over Priced (seller won't budge)
- Ugly (It's not by the way)
- whatever...
- Even if I'm wrong and it's sold but status hasn't changed
At the very least the agent could
- Add a couple more photos
- Describe the interior of the home (even if it's a fixer)
- Talk about the neighborhood
- Talk about special financing
This is our craft, it's not enough to input a listing into the MLS and walk away. Have pride in your work. If it doesn't sell at least you can say, I did EVERYTHING I could, I exhausted all efforts and it just didn't work out.
Copyright © 2010 By Stephen Munson,Munson Realty Pasadena*Homes For Sale Pasadena Ca|No Photos, No Description-NO SALE!*