What Is A Strategic Short Sale? By Pasadena Short Sale Agents
What Is A Strategic Short Sale?
By Pasadena Short Sale Agents, Munson RealtyWhat is a Strategic Short sale? Traditionally an underwater seller must prove some sort of hardship like job loss, death of a spouse, illness or some other unfortunate circumstance to qualify for a short sale. But what about those who have no real hardship but have seen the value of their properties plummet…and as pure business decision want out?
Enter the “Strategic Short Sale”… in this video exert, Pasadena short sale agent Stephen Munson of Munson Realty explains “”- Even though some homeowners can still make their payments and they have no other real “hardship”, they’ve decided to short sale their property. In essence they have “strategized” their way out of a declining investment. In this video we will briefly explain the strategic short sale, its pros and its cons.