Lender Angelo Di Nallo Los Angeles-Saves The Deal For My Buyer
Lender Angelo Di Nallo Los Angeles-Saves The Deal For My Buyer It’s always a pleasure to work with a lender who goes above and beyond their call of duty. Yesterday I closed a very tricky transaction with Angelo Di Nallo of Surety Financial Services. There were several points in this transaction when this deal could have gone south had Angelo not thought outside of the box we would have been in real trouble.
The issue was not with our buyer (I’m the Realtor& Angelo is the Lender) but with the seller whose home was in a trust that was being disputed by one of the siblings. In a nutshell: one of the siblings hired an attorney who filed a Lis Pendens against the property that created a cloud on the title. The attorneys on both sides were not communicating and through crafty measures, Angelo was able to get both sides communicating and created a solution that allowed the cloud to be lifted and the deal to close only 2 days late.
Home buyers: Not only is your loan or mortgage broker your money source but an excellent Loan broker will often save the day and ultimately get you in your home. This is what you are paying for and service you simply do not get from discount online lenders.
So Thank You Angelo Di Nallo of Surety Financial Services, I’m so happy my buyer introduced you to me and you are definitely worthy of my future business here in Los Angeles.
*This was an unsolicited testimonial for Angelo Di Nallo and unbeknown to him. I am receiving no compensation whatsoever. Realtors & Buyers, here is his contact information.
Angelo di Nallo Surety Financial Services
15060 Ventura Blvd Suite 490 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Office: Cell: (818) 355-4856
eFax: email: [email protected]