Home Seller FAQ’s | Home Needs A Lot Of Work-Can It Still Be Listed For Sale?
Home Seller FAQ’s | Home Needs A Lot Of Work-Can It Still Be Listed For Sale?
Q: My home needs work but I simply don’t have the resources now to fix it up. Can It Still Be Listed For Sale?
A: Without a doubt your homecan be sold in any condition. The key to marketing and pricing homes in distress is to getting real honest about where it stands in the market. There's an old saying in the Real Estate business: "Any home will sale, at the right price!" The home in the photo to the left is an extreme example but indeed, there would be a buyer for this too!
There are many buyers out there who love a challenge and would be happy to turn your home into their project. However, you must price your home accordingly to allow for the new buyer to come in and work their magic. There’s no need to feel embarrassed about the condition of your home and there should certainly be no judgment on the part of the Realtor.
Now, all of that being said, there are things we can suggest in preparing your home for sale that cost you nothing or very little. These suggestions will help your home show better and demand a bit more money, time permitting and commitment on your part.
Also See: Marketing homes with deferred maintenance.
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