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Posted about 4 years ago

Real Estate Syndication - How It Works?

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There are various ways of investing in real estate, but not all of them will work for everyone, that’s why taking your time and exploring your options before putting your capital in the wrong investment is a necessity.

And in this blog post, we will be discussing apartment syndication, how it works, and why it might be the best option for you.

What is a real estate syndication?

Real estate syndication is when multiple investors pool their money together and invest it in the property that they wouldn’t be able to either purchase or manage on their own. For example shopping malls, huge office buildings, etc.

Unlike similar ways of investments like REIT, in apartment syndications, you are not investing your money blindly in hopes of somehow getting profit from it. Here you know exactly which building your money goes to, what is the business plan for it, and all the financial aspects of it, including the income you can expect.

How do apartment syndications work?

The owner of the partnership, known as GP or a general partner is responsible for collecting the money from investors and managing the property straight from the beginning including all the aspects of it, that’s why in most cases general partnership includes more than one person, each with their responsibilities.

While passive investors of the property also referred to as limited partners (LP) are free of all responsibilities and their only requirement is investing their capital into the building, after generating a monthly income for themselves without practically any actual work done.

The profit of the property is distributed to investors by either monthly or quarterly, depending on the terms of their agreement.

Why should I invest in real estate syndication?

There are many reasons as to why syndication might be the best investment option for you. For example, if you are new to the real estate world and are not familiar with the market, investing with people more experienced than you will guarantee your investment a success and would be an amazing start for your real estate journey.

Or let’s say you are looking for ways to grow your wealth by earning extra income or are planning to retire - earning passive income from real estate syndications is the best way in this case as well, as you are not forced to have a daily work routine and would be able to focus on your priorities freely.


Real estate syndications are one of the safest ways of investing in real estate and is the best idea to grow your wealth in no time without spending all your time or energy on it. Additionally investing with experienced people with much more knowledge about the market than you, will help you achieve your dreams sooner than you think, without taking any risks.
