How A Pandemic Blocks Your Mindset (and how to overcome it)
Did you know that you can have a mental block about financial returns?
It's true. Even the most sophisticated and savvy investor can have mental blocks about what they think should happen in the market.
It's what holds most of us back.
We may be thinking that we should be able to 2X our money in 3 years.
We may be thinking that we should only do deals with a projected profit of $100K.
We may believe that we should only buy real estate when there are no eviction moratoriums and unemployment is below 5%.
But guess what?
The market keeps moving whether you participate or not.
Those who change their investment strategy are those who will make money.
The cost of inaction is too great now.
The Fed injected trillions into the economy. Inflation is coming. The value of cash is eroding.
This means that unless you invest in hard assets, your wealth will deteriorate.
Buying real estate is the best thing we can do for our future and our families right now.
And it all starts with shifting our thinking.
NOTE: This blog post was inspired by my interview with Panchum Gupta on today's podcast.