Hi Everyone, Welcome to my Blog.
Dear Reader,
Thank you for taking the time to read this introductory blog. This is sort of a sales pitch to read or not to read further into my blog.
As I evaluate and compare myself to other real estate investors that I respect, I have been humbled by the knowledge and experience that many of them have. I see people smarter than me, more financially successful than me and just better operators of both single-family and apartments than me.
It has made me aware of the fact that there are many levels of investors who are successful in their own way. So, I have come to the conclusion that I am a good single-family operator and a good apartment operator but not great. There are many superior operators out there. Some that I have mentored are now mentoring me.
However, what I do know is how to manage all the parts of a balanced life will making millions in real estate even with only “good” skills. I am happy to say that I have maintained my marriage through all of this. It is still filled with passion and romance even after 33 years. I spent massive amounts of time with both my children growing up and they have made me so proud. My son graduated college with 11 rent houses and about $4000 a month in positive cash flow. My daughter is doing just as well. I have hit the gym three to four days a week throughout that time as well. I won’t brag about my charity since I really feel I should have given away more than I did. I intend to catch up over the next few years.
I have watched with sadness as people that I mentored missed the mark. They chose money over all the other parts of a joyful happy life. One man is on wife number four after starting to invest in real estate because he worked so much on his real estate. I have seen people gain 50 and more pounds over the years because they were so busy with their job that they had no time for fitness. I hope you get my point. Most sacrifice some very important parts of their lives just to make a few more dollars.
There are specific strategies that allowed me to achieve the results I did and I am uniquely qualified to share those strategies with you through this blog.
If these skills and strategies would help you achieve more, please continue to read my weekly blog.