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Posted almost 14 years ago


On This Date In 1493 Christopher Columbus arrives In Puerto Rico during his second  voyage, naming the island San Juan Bautista, in honor of Saint John the Baptist.

On This Date In 1523 Giulio Medici was elected Pope Clement VII, bringing to the Papal throne a high reputation for political ability, and possessing all the accomplishments of a wily diplomat. However, he was considered worldly and indifferent to what went on around him, including the ongoing Protestant reformation.

On This Date In The Battle of Fort Lee was fought on November 19, 1776 between American and British forces. Fort Lee was rendered defenseless after the defeat of Manhattan by advancing British soldiers.

On This Date In 1863 Abraham Lincoln Delivers The Gettysburg Address

On This Date In 1967 the Siege of Dak To, or The battle for Hill 875 took place in the Vietnamese Central Highlands during the Vietnam War, one of the costliest engagements of the war. Of the 570 US troops involved in the attack on the hill, 340 became casualties.

On This Date In 1986 Muhammad Ali married Yolanda Ali, his friend since 1964 in Louisville, KY.

On This Date In 1991 U2 releases their seventh studio album, "Achtung Baby".

On This Date In 1999 The World Is Not Enough, the nineteenth spy film in the James Bond series, was released.

On This Date In 2001 Nelson Mandela became first living honorary Canadian citizen.

Happy Birthday Larry King (1933), Jack Welch (1935), Ted Turner (1938), Garrick Utley (1939), Margaret “Meg” Mary Emily Hyra (Ryan) (1961).

RIP President James Garfield, (1831-1881), Clifton Webb (1889-1966), Indira Gandhi (Priyadarshini Nehru) (1917-1984).

Without music, life would be a mistake. -Nietzsche

“It is cruel, you know, that music should be so beautiful. It has the beauty of loneliness and of pain: of strength and freedom. The beauty of disappointment and never-satisfied love. The cruel beauty of nature, and everlasting beauty of monotony.” -Benjamin Britten (English Composer, 1913-1976).

“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music. ... I get most joy in life out of music.” - Albert Einstein (German born American Physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity. Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. 1879-1955).

“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.” - Plato (Ancient Greek Philosopher He was the world's most influential philosopher. 428 BC-348 BC)

“I despise a world which does not feel that music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy” - Ludwig van Beethoven (German Composer the predominant musical figure in the transitional period between the Classical and Romantic era. 1770-1827).

“Music takes us out of the actual and whispers to us dim secrets that startle our wonder as to who we are, and for what, whence, and whereto.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson  (American Poet, Lecturer and Essayist, 1803-1882)

Exploring Science and Tech on YouTube:

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Robot Violinist

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A Horoscope For The Workplace

Astrology tells us about you and your future simply by your birthday. The Chinese Zodiac uses the year of your birth. Demographics tell us what you like, dislike, whom you vote for, what you buy, and what you watch on TV. Well, the Corporate Zodiac goes a step further: simply by your job title, people will have you all figured out...

MARKETING: You are ambitious yet stupid. You chose a marketing degree to avoid having to study in college, concentrating instead on drinking and socializing, which is pretty much what your job responsibilities are now. Least compatible with Sales.

SALES: Laziest of all signs, often referred to as "marketing without a degree," you are also self-centered and paranoid. Unless someone calls you and begs you to take their money, you like to avoid contact with "customers" so you can " concentrate on the big picture." You seek admiration for your golf game throughout your life.

TECHNOLOGY: Unable to control anything in your personal life, you are instead content to completely control everything that happens at your workplace. Often even YOU don't understand what you are saying, but who the heck can tell?! It is written that the geeks shall inherit the Earth.

ENGINEERING: One of only two signs that actually studied in school, it is said that ninety percent of all personal ads are placed by engineers. You can be happy with yourself: your office is typically full of all the latest "ergodynamic" gadgets.

ACCOUNTING: The only other sign that studied in school, you are mostly immune from office politics. You are the most feared person in the organization; combined with your extreme organizational traits, the majority of rumors concerning you say that you are completely insane.

HUMAN RESOURCES: Ironically, given your access to confidential information, you tend to be the biggest gossip within the organization. Possibly the only other person that does less work than marketing, you are unable to return any calls today because you have to get a haircut, have lunch, and mail a letter!

MIDDLE MANAGEMENT/DEPARTMENT MANAGEMENT/"TEAM LEADS": Catty, cut-throat, yet completely spineless, you are destined to remain at your current job for the rest of your life. Unable to make a single decision you tend to measure your worth by the number of meetings you can schedule for yourself. Best suited to marry other "Middle Managers," as everyone in your social circle is a "Middle Manager."

SENIOR MANAGEMENT: Catty, cut-throat, yet completely spineless, you are destined to remain at your current job for the rest of your life. Unable to make a single decision you tend to measure your worth by the number of meetings you can schedule for yourself. Best suited to marry other "Senior Managers," as everyone in your social circle is a "Senior Manager."

CUSTOMER SERVICE: Bright, cheery, positive, you are a fifty-cent cab ride from taking your own life. As a child very few of you asked your parents for a little cubicle for your room and a headset so you could pretend to play "Customer Service." Continually passed over for promotions, your best bet is to date your boss. 

Things You May Hear Just Before Unemployment.....

-- I don't know what we'll do without you, but we are certainly going to try!

-- We told everyone you are leaving because of illness. The truth is, I'm sick of you.

-- Its not that you aren't a responsible worker. In fact, you've been responsible for more disasters than any one else in the place.

-- Today I'm going to mix business and pleasure. You're fired!

-- I've got good news for you. You won't have to worry about being late for work 'ever again'.

-- Tell me - how long have you been with us not counting tomorrow? 


