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Posted over 4 years ago

I am so Stimulated - Roger's Story

Today I like to do something a little different and tell you about a conversation I had this week with my friend Roger.

Roger and I became friends a few years ago and when I had the very first idea and vision about the IDEAL wealth Grower system, I was looking for Guinee pigs -a few folks who would be willing to test what I had created. Roger was one of those guys. He had attended one of my leadership and personal development programs we stayed in touch and ultimately became friends.

So a few days ago Roger calls me and says: “Dude, you won't believe what just happened to me”! (He knows that I hate to be called “Dude”. I guess that’s why he keeps doing it.)

I am curious and say: “I guess you will tell me any second now”.

Roger, with tons of excitement in his voice, says to me: “Man I just checked my bank account and I could not believe, but I actually got $2400 for Claudia and myself. Must be that stimulus money everybody is talking about.”

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I felt very happy for Roger and told him so. Then we began to speak about it a little further and I couldn’t resist getting at him for calling me “dude” for hundreds of times. I said: “so now that the government has stimulated you, what do you plan to do with all this money?”

That’s when the conversation turned more serious> Roger and his wife provide a service for the courts where they assemble documents and then make sure that they are provided either to the lawyers in a lawsuit or the defendants or both. Well, guess what. As soon as the lock-down started the courts closed, no more cases where accepted and serving clients didn’t work because the law says that Roger’s company needs to identify the person they deliver to and get a physical signature. All that does not work anymore and his work basically went from thriving to zero in a few days.

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He told me that they were trying to keep their staff of 5 on the payroll but it did not work because revenues collapsed. On March 15th he paid from revenue, on March 30th from saving. Right when the paycheck protection program came out and was open for applications he applied. No money by April 15th. He paid his folks and let everybody except himself go. On April 20th he finally got the funds and the next day he got stimulated. The PPP money was just enough to balance his accounts for payroll and the $2400 was ½ of the mortgage payment for his house not far from me in San Diego county.

Bottom line the money he received is already gone and if he were to try to hire the previous employee back, he would have to pay them without earning anything. I feel for Roger but what really blew me away was what came next. He asked me how we were doing?

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I told him that I probably have been gifted the biggest long-term gift I could have imagined with this epidemic. Since the IDEAL Wealth GROWER system started accepting mentoring clients in 2019, people often asked how it will do for the long term and how people who really follow it would fare if this goes wrong or we had a crisis like in 2008.

I had the impression more and more that the last crisis being more than 11 years away had resulted in the false belief that things probably would not get as bad anymore in the future. We all had to learn how quickly things can in dramatically change.

The IDEAL Wealth GROWER system teaches a process that allows participants to reach economic independence in 10-15 years from the day they start. Some can do it even faster.

The term means that you can decide if you really want to exchange your time for money or not. If you say you don’t want to get compensated with money for the time you spend on something, that’s really cool. This choice is cool and a massive indication of freedom.

The ability to make that decision without any concerns comes from the passive income that flows to your bank account every month regardless if you work or not.

So when Roger asked me about my situation I was almost afraid to tell him that I was very surprised that all my tenants in my investment properties across the country had paid their rent on April 1st. Yes, my consulting work had almost evaporated, but the passive income kept coming in. I am optimistic for May and June and beyond.

I did not tell him that to brag and in some ways, he knew anyway because he has been following along after testing the system when I first started offering it. On the other hand, he never joined and kept doing the work in his company.

The most amazing, somewhat funny, very gratifying, and humbling statement came at the end of our conversation from Roger. He said: “You know, I can’t really stimulate the economy with this money I just got because I had already spent it for the reasons, I received it before it even arrived. I always thought that this ….Grower – thing…you is probably useful, but now I really feel I need it. I don’t want to get into this kind of situation ever again. Can I join and you teach me how to become one of these …growers”?

Yes, my friend Roger actually joined the program today. I am so eager to help him that I decide the next best thing would be writing about it.

I hope everybody who reads this story is well and safe and you can reflect on your own situation. I also know based on this and other conversations that the approach the IDEAL Wealth GROWER system offers is not for everyone. I am only teaching, coaching, and mentoring based on what I have done myself, the resources I have developed and what I know works.

There are tons of other great stuff out there and a lot of it works, I believe. I just don’t know it well enough and couldn’t help you with it.

What I do know are all the steps and tools and resources I have experienced myself to build the system and now Roger will become part of it. I trust the IDEAL Wealth GROWER system will stimulate him and maybe he, as we all, get another check from the government we can use to get the economy going again and make the investments for a better future.

I want to be part of that and help as many people as I to become IDEAL Wealth GROWERS and reach economic independence.

Be well and be safe

