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Posted over 4 years ago

Reasons Why People Don't Get RICH

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The list could be super long here because there are many factors that may keep people poor. But I want to narrow down to the biggest factors that keep people from becoming financially well off and it is not even those that they can't control, like being born at the wrong time or in the wrong country. Everything gets down to personal perspective, mindset and willingness to take committed work over long periods of time. Let me know your opinion, which one of these things stops people the most from becoming rich?

1. Lack of skills.

"I could never do that", says a person who sees someone with great social, analytical, marketing, teamwork, the management or any other skill. The belief in your own self-potential is the most important thing in the money game. Wealth is created in a person's mind first and then it becomes a physical thing, so no one should expect to become rich with a poor mentality. Our brain is not made to make us happy, positive, driven, successful, it's just made to protect the body that we carry. So a person needs to train his brain in the new ways of thinking and believing in what is possible. Study, apply, learn, duplicate, few simple steps that will help a person to grow his skills over time. This is an informational age and new commodity is information, so the more you know and the more of that specific information you can make into a specific skill, the better financial results that person will reap.

2. Not building a network.

"I don't have time to meet new people", says a person who spends 5 hours a day on the TV. It's all about your priorities and what is important for that person in life, so determining the strong reasons for a person to leave his comfort zone is rule number one. What is the why behind why he needs to dig deep? No one likes to be uncomfortable, talking with strangers, but once you start doing that, a couple of great things will happen. That person will experience that they actually enjoy meeting and talking with new people and that most of the people are super cool, they have their own amazing stories to tell and they can learn a ton just by observing. Getting involved with local meetups, networking events, even networking on social platforms can bring some of the most life-changing events into that person's life.

3. Poor work ethic.

The same person who says "I don't have time to meet new people", while he is at work, 4 PM is here and he is already looking for ways to push that hour so he could leave at 5 PM as everyone else. But then he comes home and complains to his buddies or his family that he is a victim of circumstances, that how the company treats him wrong and that he deserves a raise...I mean the guy is working the second month. Without patience and work ethic a person will get nowhere financially. Imagine that, statistically, human attention span dropped from 12 seconds to 8 seconds, which is actually shorter than the goldfish attention span, I mean some people are competing with fish here and they expecting to do great at work and compete with other professionals. And that comes back to finding personal why and getting skilled up.

4. Not taking risks.

I'm not talking about investing in the stock market where you don't know what's going to happen to your money. I am talking about not being afraid to fail, I mean, everyone is experiencing a little bit of fear, even the professional actors who are going to the set after they won a golden globe, but that's a different fear, they know that they have to perform to the new standard now and that's a good pressure. Get some pressure in your life as well, it is healthy and will move you from the stagnant point to the new, uncharted areas.

5. Blaming others.

"It's my families fault, they didn't raise me well" or "it's my friends when I was growing up, they showed me a bad example", whatever excuse that person has that may sound legit, he needs to realize that, you can't cash out excuses. Everyone has their own bad or even horror stories, but most of the successful people came through the same life situations to the bright side of life. Taking responsibility for your actions will cure you from being a victim of circumstances. Everything that ever happened or will happen in your life is a build-up of daily things that you do, so don't say that "the problem came from nowhere".
