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Posted about 4 years ago

Social Media Marketing Tips For Beginners

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I’m glad that you have finally realized that social media marketing is the main key to success for your business, especially now, when businesses around the world are having a hard time selling their products or services and are forced to close down.

For the past couple of months, companies that weren’t already part of the platform started developing new marketing strategies to try and survive despite one of the biggest challenges that they ever had to face. And you might be one of them, desperately trying to save your business and learn more about social media marketing strategies as soon as possible.

That’s why I decided to list a few tips about social media marketing for beginners, in hopes of helping you develop a great platform for your customers.

1. Choose the right platform.

    You should always keep in mind that the platform that works for others, might not work for you. Try to create a social media account depending on which website is the most popular in your country and were most locals can be found, as well as the most commonly used platform for your area of work.

    For example, we all know that Facebook is one of the most used websites for businesses around the world, but keep in mind that Instagram might be more popular in your country. Just like, let’s say in Korea, where all the companies can be found on Instagram and aren’t really active on Facebook.

    2. Identify your audience.

      Targeting the audience is important when it comes to promoting your content on social media. Let’s say you are trying to sell a house, it will be a smart idea to target people older than 20 years since teens are less likely to be looking for new houses or have enough money for buying one.

      Or maybe you are specifically selling clothes for women or men, then targeting audience by their gender is the way to go.

      If you will fail to target the audience correctly, your ads will be shown to people who are not interested in your products and you will lose all the money and effort you put into it.

      3. Hire experienced people.

        Just like any other type of marketing, your social media accounts also need people who will be able to make them work.

        Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or etc, have tools made specifically for business purposes and to use them correctly, you will need someone who has the experience of working with them and overall knowledge about social media. Additionally, they can also help you find the right platform for your business and identify your audience.

        And this is where I can offer you our help. Don’t hesitate to contact us today, so we can discuss all the problems your business is currently facing and the ways of solving them using social media.
