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Posted over 4 years ago

Why Your Real Estate Business Needs YouTube Channel

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YouTube is a video-sharing platform that allows users to earn advertising revenue from Google AdSense, a program that targets ads according to site content and audience. As of May 2019, there were more than 500 hours of content uploaded on YouTube each minute and one billion hours watched every day. The website is ranked as second-most sire around the world.

Uploading videos or watching them on YouTube is completely free. (excluding YouTube Premium) People of any age are allowed to create content on there and let their creativity flow, which is one of many reasons why it is so popular today. There are many YouTube creators (also known as YouTubers) who have turned making videos into their careers, and it is actually possible for anybody who meets subscriber amount and views count requirements. Your videos can be about anything you want, including music, art, makeup, your daily life, reviews of books or new technology and etc. 

But you do have to gain at least 1000 subscribers and 4000 views to be able to join the AdSense program. Aside from uploading videos, as a viewer, you can also comment, like or dislike and even report content, or comments by other users. You could most likely find videos about any topic you are interested in, simply search up the keywords on YouTube’s website and you are good to go. YouTube can also be used as an educational resource since it has a major amount of videos that help you learn, starting from language 101’s to some business tips. YouTube is a big part of its viewer’s lives and one of the most popular ways of entertainment.

Different companies often use YouTube as a way to promote their products or services, by showcasing them to public trough videos. It’s is a smart step to make, considering how many people actually do look for product reviews on youtube. That brings me to the most popular way of advertising that companies use - If it’s a psychical product, they send it to the chosen creator, who later uploads it on the website. Or if its some type of services that they offer, companies invite YouTubers to film the process and later review it.

No matter how you look at it, YouTube is slowly taking over the world by increasing its user amount daily. If you feel like you have something to offer to the world or simply like filming videos for fun, don’t hesitate to hold the camera and catch the most gripping moments of your life.
