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Posted over 4 years ago

You Shouldn't Invest In Real Estate.

There are many gurus out there that claim that real estate can make anyone and everyone wealthy. Go online to many numerous websites and forums and there will be countless people talking about how it’s such an easy task to step into. 

The cold hard truth is in fact that real estate is not easy. It is also not simply a task or hobby that someone can simply pick up overnight. There is some truth that real estate can make you very wealthy, however to obtain this, you must take on real estate as the career that it truly is. 

There will definitely be times that you want to pull your hair out for a deal falling through. Other times there will be issues with rehabs and you contemplate burning the house down. (Don’t do this by any means please!) On the other side of things, when you get a sizable company, you can manage it from literally anywhere. Running operations from the sandy beaches of Hawaii sounds nice, right? 

Real estate truly is not for everyone. You have to have a true discipline to see things through to the end regardless of how tough times may get. Hearing the word no and simply not accepting that is another key characteristic to take part in this career field. 

There will be times when you spend countless hours putting together what seems to be a knockout deal, only for the funding to fall through. It will be hard to keep your eyes set upon the end goal if you let these set backs stop you.

Times will seem tough when all deals are disastrous, but realize that deals are like buses, there will be more. You must realize this is part of the world of real estate. You will be told a deal is too large to take on, there are too many issues with the property, or your market is too hot to be buying in. People in your life will ridicule you often for choosing real estate as a career.

If you do decide to go into real estate, realize that the road will not always be easy. There may come a time when tenants could trash your hard work. There will almost inevitably be a road block blindside you when you least expect it. But also realize that yes, you definitely can be your own boss! You can definitely set your own schedule and work for yourself. There is money to be made while you are on vacation with your family. There are ways to completely automate your business so it is completely passive.

Real estate is not for everyone. It truly takes drive, determination, and passion. If you don't have a strong enough reason to be in this business, then it is likely not for you. For myself, however, I want to be able to watch my kids grow up without having to miss things due to work. I want to be able to immerse them into a world of hard work ethic and business from a very early age in a career that I truly enjoy. I want to be able to go halfway across the world with my family and be able to not have a restriction on my time with them.

If this all resonates with you on a personal level, welcome to one of the hardest, most challenging, and also rewarding careers you could ever imagine. There is an immense world of support waiting to help you along your way. There is no reward with no risk. It is up to you to make those decisions.

In the words of the Greek poet Virgil, "Fortune sides with him who dares".
