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Posted over 4 years ago

Why Negativity Is Positivity

When many people start investing in real estate, they are often given many unwanted words of advice. Usually these individuals that mean well by what they say are actually quite negative, while others are simply downrite rude and wrong. While these nuggets of negativity are often enough to stop the average person from venturing into taking control of their own financial stability and retirement freedom through true passive investing, the opportunity is what lies on the other side of pushing through this fear.

You see the thing about negativity, is that it can truly ignite something inside of you. Some call it drive, others may call it ambition, but the way we see it is as a true motivation in part to prove to yourself that you truly can do well financially in real estate, but also as a force to push you to show the naysayers wrong.

Going into our business, there have been many people say things that were wrong and truly hurtful at times, but the fact of the matter is, if you lean into these issues and strive to prove these misconceptions wrong then everything will turn out alright. The key to real estate is slowly learning how to use negativity as fuel for your fire. Use the words intended to bring you down as stepping stones to build you up. One day when you are looking back at where you have came from, many people will ask how you did it and you can gladly show them how to lean into the negativity that surrounds them in the beginning.

As Donald Trump once said, people only try to bring you down when you are on top. Keep this in mind whether you have been investing for 30 years or 30 days. Let this add to your fire for why you are seeking to do this. If people are trying to bring you down, you are obviously on the right track.
